Various topics around music

Autotune as a trivial symptom of the downfall of modern music - The Blog

Autotune as a trivial symptom of the downfall of modern music

Autotune as a trivial symptom of the downfall of modern music In the vast universe of contemporary music, the abuse of autotune is not just a passing fad; personally, I see it as a symptom of a much deeper crisis and...
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African DNA: poised between binary and ternary rhythmic figures

  AFRICAN DNA Poised between binary and ternary rhythmic figures Origins Africa's cultural revenge started with music. When Africans touched the shores overseas they communicated with the rhythm...

Listening education

A child's musical education, Zoltan kodaly claimed, begins in its mother's womb. If this assertion is true in those places where music is synonymous with culture, the same cannot be said to be true...
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A Brief History of Mixing

Orchestration as Prototypical Mixing. The art of arranging, orchestration and finally orchestral conducting, deeply rooted in music, can also be understood as an 'acoustic proto-mixing'....

Perfection, the greatest enemy of jazz

"Perfection is the enemy of excellence' (...) "Perfection is always one step away from perfection"(...) "If I had waited to be perfect, I would never have written a word" (Margaret Atwood) BECAUSE PERFECTION IS...

How to study music

How to study? how much? what to study? You have 1 ½ / 2 or even 3 hours, go to the rehearsal room, or at home in your studio. You want to transcribe 2 solos, do scale exercises, study a dozen licks, learn 4 new...
The legalized theft of the SIAE to small authors

The legalized theft of the SIAE to small authors

SIAE's legalised theft from small authors Direct experience of the author of the article I am addressing all small authors and publishers who are still registered with the SIAE, to relate the following experience. To this end here...
The abstract narrative of music and its role in the development of awareness

The abstract narrative of music and its role in the development of awareness

The Blog of Alessandro Fois. The abstract narrative of music and its role in the development of awareness The abstract narrative of music Free from the reins of fashion and commodification, as well as...