The Land of Sunflowers

Article by: Alessandro Fois

Biografia di Alessandro Fois

Alessandro Fois, born in Cagliari, is a musician, composer, pianist, arranger and sound engineer. Since 2014, he has also been a writer, blogger and webmaster. After living in Oristano and Cagliari, he moved to Ivrea, where he runs Lycnos, an audio, video and web services studio, and the Glamour Recording Studio. He studied piano, music theory and composition at the Cagliari Conservatory, specialising in sound recording with Fonoprint and Sony Italia. He perfected composition and arrangement with Mogol at C.E.T.. He has explored various musical genres, including classical, jazz, blues, pop and progressive, composing for Italian artists and participating in live concerts. He released the album 'Dialogue', while his new project is 'Kaleidoskope'. He is co-author of the Sardinian-language musical 'Boghes de Domo', also directing and performing. He has written soundtracks for RAI, advertising music and for prestigious events such as those of Ferrari. For over 25 years, Fois has managed the

Brani Audio

Galleria Immagini


- Alessandro Fois -

Evocative Piano Ambient & SoundTracks

- Description -

The melodic-narrative musical vehicle is the piano, immersed in a minimal sound environment. Hence the term "Evocative Piano Ambient", to designate the musical form of the piece

– Artist –

Alessandro Fois is a composer and pianist. During his experience he has played various musical genres, classical, jazz, blues, newage, world music, progressive, musical, soundtracks, pop and more. He has created a good number of compositions for many artists, often also performing as a pianist.

– Listen –

Listen to a preview on Spotify

– Cover –

Alessandro Fois Music Fan Club


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